
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Practical Self Defense for Seniors Should Be Less About Karate and More About Personal Alarms

I don't know if it is due to the rising popularity of mixed martial arts, the growing senior citizen population or a culmination of several things but for whatever reason I see more and more self-defense classes advertised and many of these classes are geared towards seniors. I think it is great if people want to take self-defense classes as such classes include several benefits for the participant. Confidence, better health, and a better ability to defend one's self in the event of an attack being the most obvious benefits. But are these classes, especially those geared towards seniors, going to be enough to really save a senior citizen in the event of a real life attack? Are such classes really practical for seniors?
Again, I want to make it clear that I think a self-defense class is a great idea for people of any age but when it comes to people of an advanced age we should look a little deeper than a self defense class when considering means of self-defense. How much can be taught to an 80 year old woman in a self defense class that is really going to translate to that woman really being able to defend herself against a 6'2″ 230 pound attacker? Nothing. Even if that woman began training in her teens and was a multiple degree black belt by the time she was 80 she is going to have a rough go of things against a much younger, faster, bigger and stronger attacker. That is why although these seniors could certainly benefit from such classes they should by no means let what is taught in these classes be their only line of defense against potential attack. So what can these senior citizens do to help improve their chances of surviving such an attack in a more practical and potentially more effective way? The answer to that question is simple, personal alarms.
Personal alarms are great for senior citizens for a few reasons. One, they are very small, light, and easy-to-carry making them ideal for people of an advanced age. Two, they are easy to use and require zero special training. And last but not least they are entirely safe for all parties involved unlike other more traditional forms of self defense like stun guns, pepper spray or firearms.
Just how effective can an instrument be that doesn't physically subdue an attacker? Extremely effective is the answer to that question and let me explain why this is. A personal alarm works by simply letting out a distress call that can be heard for up to a mile away in some cases. The majority of personal alarms that I've come in contact with register around 115-135 decibels and let me tell you just how loud 130 decibels is, for comparison a rock concert from the 10th row registers about 125 decibels. So if some dirt-bag attacker is in the mood to mug an old lady for her purse and from that purse the old lady pulls out a personal alarm and lets out a 130 decibel siren? I can tell you right now that there is a very good chance that attacker knows the jig is up and it's time for him to start running in some other direction before the long arm of the law shows up. Extremely loud noises attract the attention of others and that is precisely what any criminal does not want.
So please feel free to take self-defense classes as I think they can only improve your chances of surviving an attack but don't let the martial arts you learn be your only line of defense and certainly don't let that be the case if you are a senior citizen.
Stay Safe,
Carl Vouer
To buy personal alarms as a means of self defense for seniors please visit us online.

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