
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Chinese Birth Chart - Predict Your Baby's Gender

All people who dream of having a baby wonder whether someday they'll have a girl or a boy. The gender of the child is one of the biggest and most interesting mysteries expectant parents face as they begin to enter a new and exciting phase of their lives. Ultrasounds are typically inconclusive until the baby is between 16 and 20 weeks old, but there is another age-old method known as the Chinese Birth Chart that people can use to figure out a baby's gender during any point in the pregnancy, and even prior to conception.
Based on the mother's age and the date of conception, the chart has been used for hundreds of years as a surefire way to determine a baby's gender. With its origins dating back to the 13 century, the chart is often said to be over 90% effective. Also known as the Chinese Gender Chart and the Chinese Birth Calendar, the system has been used by thousands of women throughout the world to predict the gender of their new baby at the moment of conception. Because the system is based on the lunar calendar and the exact age of the mother, some have even used it to influence the sex of their baby prior to conceiving.
Part of the well-respected ancient Chinese wisdom, the Birth Chart differs from conventional medicine in many ways. According to the belief behind the popular method, women are the ones who hold the power to deciding the gender of their baby. Modern medicine dictates that the absence or presence of the Y chromosome from the man is the determining factor of an unborn baby's gender while the Chinese Chart is centered on the belief that it's actually the woman who chooses the sex of the baby, and recent scientific studies have shown evidence supporting this idea.
Although this method is easy to use, it's important to follow a few guidelines to ensure that women calculate their baby's gender as accurately as possible. The woman needs to be aware of the date of conception as it plays a vital role in using the chart correctly. It's also important to remember the chart is based on the lunar calendar and that a newborn baby is actually already twelve months old. According to the Chinese Birth Chart, the age of the woman along with the month of conception determine the baby's gender.
There are many skeptics who argue that the chart is inaccurate, there are thousands of parents who have used it with successful results. Supporters of using the chart stress the importance of learning about the value of ancient Chinese wisdom and the rules that must be followed before the system can provide effective results. Whether they believe in this method or question it, using the chart can be an exciting step in the process of preparing for a new baby. Following an ancient technique that connects them to millions of other women through history is a fun way to predict a baby's gender, and enjoy the unforgettable experience of planning a family.
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